Our History

From humble beginnings, the Barbarians have risen!

USC Rugbyour history
Formation of USC Barbarians Rugby Club
USC Rugby was founded in 1997 just one year after the opening of the University of the Sunshine Coast (then Sunshine Coast Community College).
First International Tour - Ireland
In 2000, the club ventured to ‘the land of the long dark pint’, Ireland, for their first international tour. So successful was the Irish Invasion tour, that the tradition of the USC Rugby tour began, which will see the boys travel to far and away places every three years.
International Tour - Europe
In 2003, the club showcased their talents on rugby fields across Austria, Hungary the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy and Germany. The representative team comprised of 20 tourists, of mixed grade, who spent 21 days showing Europe how a rugby game is really played! The boys spent two days at DKHS Calone (a sporting facility similar to that Australian Institute of Sport), and came up against many selected provincial sides and University teams. The USC Rugby Club is the first Australian team to have the privilege of touring through Austria.
International Tour - New Zealand
2009 was the most recent tour with the team travelling to New Zealand for a Sevens tournament.